© Mankyboddle


Copyright applies to all parts of the Mankyboddle & The Sweets of Sin Website.

Real Audio™ - Files are meant for streaming or download on to your computer only.

Do not pass on copies to others!
It is killing independant music!

The effort to compose, performe and produce a piece of music is often considerable and may take a lot of time. The royalties musicians get from their copyrights reimburses them only partly for their work. Illegal copying hurts the poorest musicians the most by stealing their pay-packet. It stops independant musicians from supplying you with the music you like because they will be too busy working in other jobs in order to make a living some other way. Search the Internet for CDs you have trouble finding in the shops.

For full dynamic sound enjoyment and an attractive cover art-work "The Sweets of Sin"-CDs are available at a reasonable price well below shop and mainstream prices from boddleshop.

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